Education Topics
8601 General Method of Teaching
- Reflect some common qualities of primary teachers? Why are these qualities required for effective classroom learning?
- Write down the five merits of lesson planning for teachers.
- Highlight the steps of planning “Development of instruction”.
- Write a brief note on the theories of motivation?
- Discuss merits and demerits of scientific method?
- What is meant by inductive reasoning? Provide examples regarding application of his method in classroom setting?
- What is an activity? Discuss the importance of activity method. Name the different types of activities you would use in English?
- Explain the structure of guided discussion method and the assessment procedure of classroom discussion.
- What is cooperative learning and what are different strategies used for it?
- Critically analyze importance of set induction.
- Discuss different techniques of students evaluation.
- Describe the purpose of teaching tools. How many types are there of teaching tools?
8602 Educational Assessment and Evaluation
- Explain the significance and scope of establishment of partnership between the teacher training institutions of Pakistan?
- Explain the concept of validity of a test; also explain different types of validity of test.
- Describe the importance of table of specification also develop a two way table of specification for 50 marks paper by selecting any unit from 9th class general science.
- Explain the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy of education objective.
- Compare the Blooms taxonomy with SOLO Taxonomy of educational objectives.
- Briefly describe the procedure for development of multiple choice tests items and assembling the test prepare ten multiple choice items from subject of your choice.
- Elaborate the difference among sociograms, social distance scale and guess who questionnaire in terms of their use.
- Describe the terms of stress and anxiety for test. As a teacher what measures you suggest to reduce the test anxiety of the students.
- Suggest measures to reduce cultural bias in the test?
- Write down learning outcomes for any unit of English for 10th class and develop an easy type test item with rubric, 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short questions for the written learning outcomes.
- Elaborate the importance of entrance tests in the universities?
- Give the characteristics of normal curve, also discuss its uses in educational assessment?
8603 Curriculum Development
- Critically analyze the principles of curriculum development with reference to the curriculum development in Pakistan at the secondary level
- Discuss the curriculum offering during the period of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Give studies reference while explaining your answer.
- Select any subject from the curriculum of the primary school and identify the different foundations of the curriculum from it. Also highlight the focused foundation that is reflected at this level of the curriculum with examples.
- Explain the concept of accountability with reference to curriculum development. Evaluate the importance of evaluation for the improvement of curriculum development.
- Describe the main approaches of behavioral objectives. Develop ten statements of behavioral objectives of the research course of Master level program?
- Define the concept of “Curriculum Organization”. Select and examine the two textbooks of grade X and determine the procedure of content selection used by the authors.
- Suggest means of improving B.Ed 1.5 curriculum development process of Allama Iqbal Open University in the light of the evaluation of the program.
- Design a curriculum of educational program which is relevant to your community?
- Characteristics of Curriculum planning, Values based curriculum, Application of Heuristics Problem Solving Method & Social Skill development
- Evaluate the curriculum development process of USA. Recommended suitability of various ideas and processes of curriculum development for adaption of USA curriculum in Pakistan.
8604 Research Methods in Education
- Discuss scientific method as a tool of acquiring knowledge. Compare it with various steps in the research process?
- Describe different types of research by method. Why and where we use these types (Descriptive, historical, and co relational research to discuss the educational phenomena?
- Discuss the concept of educational research ,also examine the need and importance of research in education?
- What is experiment and how you will conduct experimental research, what will be the threats to internal and external validity to minimize these threats?
- Define descriptive research and what are the major forms? Strengthen your answer with the example of Case Studies, Casual Comparative studies and correlation
- What do you mean by research tool, discuss different research tools? What is meant by validity and reliability of research tools?
- What is the importance of sample in research? Discuss different sampling techniques in detail?
- Develop a research proposal on “Analysis of Reforms in curriculum for secondary level in Pakistan” mention all necessary steps properly.
- What is difference between a research proposal and a research report? What is reference in research report? Read APA Manual 6th edition and enlist the rules of references for research report.
- What type of research tools are used in qualitative research? Mention the characteristics of any three tools for qualitative research.
8605 Educational Leadership and Management
- Define Education Administration Explain the basic principles of educational administration?
- As being a complete code of conduct Islam has given some golden principles of administration explain them?
- What are the different steps involved in educational administration discuss them in detail?
- Why supervision is required in an educational institution how is it different from administration?
- Define educational planning Write a note on different approaches to educational planning
- Explain the principles of classroom management
- How can instructional material be managed?
- What consideration should be made while keeping school records?
- Boards of intermediate and secondary Education
- National Bureau of Curriculum and Textbooks
- How evaluation improve management? Discuss in detail.
8606 Citizenship Education and Community Engagement
- Evaluate the role of an individual in the development of any society.
- Explain the major elements of social structure in Pakistani context?
- How does individual and group behavior affect the school and classroom environment.
- How can group dynamics be applied in your daily classroom teaching?
- Discuss the concept of socialization and identify its role in the learning process.
- Suggest ways in which our education system may help in the promotion of our culture.
- Elucidate the role of religious groups and their influence on social behavior.
- Analyze the role of school and mass media as agents of socialization.
- Explain the evolution of family structure in the past three decades in Pakistan.
- Explain the collaboration among the institutions which may lead towards national development?
- Explain the means of social control in a society.
- In your opinion, which social control agents are influential in our society and why?
- Analyze the effect of school on community in a progressive society.
- What strategies can a teacher apply to strengthen the relationship between school and community?
- Explain why communication skills are essential for effective teaching.
- How can effective communication result in improved management?
- Describe the relationship between technological change and society.
- Analyze the response of Pakistani society to technological change?
- Explicate the role and responsibilities of school, parents and local bodies in community development.
- Do you think teachers’ personality can be a source of motivation for their students? Give argument.
8612 Professionalism in Teaching
- Explain the concept of profession. Discuss teaching as profession?
- Write in detail about professionalization of teaching profession?
- Describe the code of professional conduct and values in teaching profession.
- Discuss professionalism and teaching profession in Islamic teachings?
- Critically comment on changing the role of teacher in 21st century.
- Explain the relationship of ethics and education. What are the responsibilities of a teacher in this regard.
- Describe expectations and challenges of teaching profession in new millennium.
- How social and culture context influence upon teaching profession. Comment keeping your own context in mind.
- Examine the situation of professionalism in teacher education institutions of Pakistan. Comment with reference to your experiences?
- Discuss ethical issues pertaining to the role of a teacher?
8614 Educational Statistics
- Explain different methods of effective presentation of data. List different types of graphs and write note on each type.
- What is normal distribution? Explain the role of normal distribution in decision making for data analysis. Write a note on skeweness and kurtosis and explain its causes.
- Explain the measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. How these two concepts are related? How these two concepts are related? Suggest one measure of dispersion for each measure of central tendency with logical reasons
- Continuous Variable, Categorical Variable, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Co-Variation
- What are levels of measurement? Explain each level so that reader can understand the description of level and differentiate each level from other levels. Write down 10 examples for each level and further explain one example from level
- Explain the concept of reliability. Explain types of reliability and methods used to calculate each type.
- What is measure of difference? Explain different types of tests in detail with examples. How are these tests used in hypothesis testing?
- What is correlation? How level of measurement help us in selecting correct type of correlation? Write comprehensive note on range of correlation coefficient and what does it explain? Can we predict future correlation by current relationship? If yes, then how?
- Degree of Freedom, Spread of Scores, Sample, Confidence Interval, Z Score
- What is data cleaning? Write down its importance and benefits. How to ensure it before analysis of data?
8618 School Leadership
- What do you understand by the term Management and Leadership? Discuss the need and scope of leadership in detail. Explain different levels of leadership in detail.
- Discuss the future of Educational leadership in global perspective in detail.
- Discuss the various theories of leadership in detail.
- You are supposed to be a DEO. Being an educational manager what do you think which leadership style is most appropriate for the said post? Also explain why not other styles are appropriate.
- Shaping Norms and Values, Conflict Management and the right school culture
8616 School Administration and Supervision
- Define administration and school administration. Elaborate different levels of administration with reference to an educational institution?
- What are the school head's responsibilities as an administrator? Visit any Secondary School and with the consultation of head teacher prepare a list of school records maintained in a school?
- It is important to identify the task areas of the educational administrator. What are the main task areas of educational administration?
- Explain the central bodies of educational administration that play important role in administration.
- What is the difference between the administrative structure of public/government and private schools? Explain the functions of an educational administrative office.
8609 Philosophy of Education
- Discuss the branches of Philosophy?
- Analyze the Relationship of Education and Philosophy?
- Evaluate the role of following branches of philosophy in system of education: i. Epistemology ii. Axiology
- Discuss the main tenets of idealism and Realism
- Describe the different sources of knowledge.
- Critically evaluate the Plato's idea of education according to classes.
- Discuss the education Implications of John Dewey’s philosophy.
- Discuss Imam Al-Ghazali’s views about teaching?
- Explain role of contemporary philosophies in education?
- Describe Friedrich Froebel ‘views regarding the early childhood education.
8610 Human Development and Learning
- Discuss different issues in child development.
- Elaborate different physical characteristics of learners. Also discuss the role of physical activities in developing body movement.
- What are the limitation of using group intelligence tests? Explain.
- Discuss intellectual development from infancy to childhood?
- What are social skills? Prepare a glossary of the terms related to social development?
- Discuss different dimensions of emotional development. Design two class room activities to promote emotional development of children.
- Summaries the main ideas presented in theories of moral development why this knowledge is important for an ECE Teacher?
- Elaborate the development of language in elementary school years.
- What is cognition? Explain different theories of cognition.
- Explain with example what is meant by readiness for learning?
8611 Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices
- How can you apply any one of the theories of critically thinking in the elementary classroom of Pakistan? Give a specific example.
- Why do you think critically thinking is important for teachers and learning’s in twenty century?
- Elaborate any three strategies of developing critical classroom interaction, which is the best among these in your opinion
- Use Gibbs model and write a reflection report of an interaction between two students or between two teachers in a school environment?
- Write a diary record of a full day of your life? Write down a detailed reflection in a day using the guideline of reflective writing?
- When can teachers conduct action research, how is it different from applied research and why is it needed?
- Write down a critical essay on the current syllabus of Urdu taught at grade five.
- How can students and parents be a part of the assessment and evaluation process? Explain with examples?
- On any of the social media that you use - facebook, twitter or whatsapp, make group teachers. Initiate a discussion regarding classroom issues and write down a report of what was the topic. What did different people said what your conclusion is?
- Chose two news TV channels who provide opposite narratives of political scenarios. Write down a short report of how did you notice the difference of opinion and what is your conclusion on the issues.
8615 Management Strategies In Educational Institutions
- Elaborate need and scope of management. Discuss different features of management.
- Explain evolution of different approaches of management.
- Define PERT. Prepare PERT diagram for ‘Result Day’ celebration to explain its process step-wise including all activities in detail
- Justify the role of Environment Scanning n Strategic management process.
- Describe the concept of Key Performance indicators (KPIs). Enlist some KPIs for teachers working in Primary Schools
- To promote positive behaviors in an organization, develop communication strategies which are appropriate in your setting.
- Analyze role of various stakeholders of educational institutions for quality management.
- Discuss in detail ‘individual level of change’ and its relevant approaches.
- Discuss the concept of DDIM with your colleagues in your institution. Then draft the Sub Goals and Objectives for Science subject for 7th class.
- Explain different tools and techniques of Web Based Management System.
8638 General Science in Schools
- Enlist 21st century science skills. Why they are important in this era?
- Describe the structure of science curriculum.
- Define action research. Discuss how this type of research is crucial for solution of problems of every day classroom.
- Elaborate teachers as reflective practitioner. How reflective journal is an effective tool for reflective thinking?
- What is difference between rote memorization and meaningful learning? Describe scope of meaningful learning in science education.
- How strategies serve as guidelines for teaching science? Explain some thoughts of scientists on inquiry.
- What are different laboratory activities? Discuss internet as a source of science skills and processes.
- Write techniques and methods of development of assessment in science education.
- Design a draft of lesson plan. How lesson plan is helpful for effective teaching?
- How teaching of physics is different from teaching of Chemistry. Give examples to support your answer.
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