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Design a draft of lesson plan. How lesson plan is helpful for effective teaching?

Design a draft of lesson plan. How lesson plan is helpful for effective teaching?

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5E Lesson Plan

The 5 E lesson supports inquire-based instruction. It allows children to make discoveries and to process new skills in an engaging way. Teachers can also adequately plan power objectives more effectively by using the 5E process. Children are not just learning with this method, they are more knowledgeable about their own meta cognition because they are coached along and not dictated by teachers merely lecturing. The role of the teacher is to facilitate and support students as they use prior knowledge to build new knowledge.

The 5 Es are:

  • Engage
  • Explore
  • Explain
  • Elaborate
  • Evaluate

When planning a lesson each of these areas should be completed. Often times these lessons may take a few days to complete.

1. Engage
To engage means to excite and to draw your child or student's curiosity. It means to wow them in a way that catches their attention. It is not forcing children to learn but inviting them to do so. This is how lessons are introduce. It does not have to be difficult or overly detailed just interesting enough to open students minds for the learning process to begin. Using technology to engage student learning makes planning very easy for teachers in today's classrooms. Using Smart board technology, videos, illustrations, asking questions, KWL charts, reading a great book, acting out a character or even introducing a game are ways to engage students at the beginning of a lesson.

2. Explore
Once students are fully in grossed in the lesson, intrigued by a video or maybe a book, now it is time to allow them to explore the concept. Lets say I do a lesson on Camouflage, first I would engage them with an informative video, explaining camouflage with animation. Now in the explore they will play lets say a game where they will go out side and break up into teams. Each team will be given a minute to find as many various colored strings scattered in the grass. The idea with exploring is to give the learner the opportunity to practice or work with their new knowledge in some way. The most effective explorations allow for mistakes or trial and error. Its is looking at a concept before discussing all the details, with hopes that students will discover answers to possible questions through exploration.

3. Explain
Students now have an opportunity to hear from their educator. The teacher's role so far has been to mainly facilitate learning, now they can use their expertise to answer questions students may have about what they are learning. They also may pose questions to the student to see what they are able to explain what they have learned. Checking for misunderstandings helps the teacher to observe what objectives need to be clarified or taught. So for example, with the Camouflage Lesson, once the students have picked as many strings as possible, they should count each color that they picked. Which color did they pick up the most, which color did they pick the least amount of? Have them make a chart, so they can look at their findings and compare as a group. Students should notice that they picked less green strings because the green was blending in with the grass. They have more of a different color like purple because of its contrast in color. This explaining is done without the teacher having to do much lecturing. The lesson is reinforced by what the students have seen from their exploring.

4. Elaborate
Here the students can participate in an extension or a different activity that either re-teaches an objective or teaches more details about the concept being taught. Here differentiation can be used. A student above level will need an elaboration that extends or enriches the lesson. A student below level will need perhaps a repeat of the same explore activity with more teacher input to guide students through again to correct misunderstandings. Again with the camouflage, elaboration may be discussing what other animals besides say frogs use camouflage? What elements in their habitat allow them to do so? Or the teacher might say let's look at our charts again from the results of our game. Doing so will allow him or her to re-teach or elaborate on what was misunderstood.

5. Evaluate
Finally, after the objectives are taught, it is time to assess. What have students effectively learned? What do they not understand? What should be done to help them? Assessments do not have to be the traditional quiz or essay. It can be a reflection, a project, book report, or a model. Like with the camouflage lesson, the evaluation could an assignment where students come up with 5 facts about camouflage and illustrate each in their own unique way. They might make a model, paint a picture, or make a mini book with drawings and facts to illustrate what they learned. Using a rubric the teacher or parent can now easily grade or make note of what is learned and of what needs to be ret aught 5 E Lesson Plan Science.

Introduction to Lesson Plan 
Subject: Science
Recognize daily changes in weather, including clouds, precipitation, and temperature.
Describe evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in the water cycle.

The students will learn about evaporation and how it works. They will have an activity to participate in that covers several days. They will watch first hand how evaporation works and by the end of the lesson th e students will understand what evaporation is. Engage (Initiate)

I will start this lesson off with a book about weather and the different types of weather. We will th en gradually go straight to evaporation. We will start talking about it and I will see who knows about it and understands the process and who doesn't. Explore (Question)

I will question and pass out a worksheet to see who understands the process of evaporation and who doesn't. This worksheet will not be a grade, it will be for me to see where each student is and which student knows what. There will be a place on the worksheet for the students to ask any questions they have toward the process and later on in the lesson I will be sure to hit on those certain questions that each student has asked.

Explain (Clarify/Develop)
I will explain and cover every question that each child asked on their worksheet I passed out the fir st day of this lesson. We will cover everything that happens in the process of evaporation. If students still do not understand something, this would be the time that I explain it to them before we do our activity.

Extend (Apply)
A fun activity that the students can participate in is watching the process of evaporation for themselves. I will divide the students up into groups and each group will have a clear, plastic cup with water in it . The cups will be placed in the window where the sun can shine on them and make the water evaporate. The students will have a worksheet that they will fill in everyday when they check the level of the water. Once all of the water has evaporated, then the students will write on the another worksheet why the water evaporated and what the process was. They will then turn in both worksheets for a grade.

I will able to evaluate and give each student a grade at the end of this assignment by each student turning in their worksheet. They should have the evaporation worksheet completed.
Alternate Activities
I will provide black markers and plastic cups. I will get water from the water fountain

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