Describe the relationship between technological change and society.
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Relationship between Technology and Society – Technology and technological developments has reached their heights in the modern society which is often picturised as a technological society. Though technology has assumed importance in the present world it is yet to acquire a prominent place in the sociological thinking. In spite of it, there are a number of sociologists who argue for its importance especially in understanding the course of history and social change. Major types of societies such as, – hunter-gather society, horticultural society, agrarian society, industrial society, or post industrial society- are mostly distinguished by differences in technology.
The industrial revolution, which produced enormous social change, was based to a great extent on technological innovations. Technological Determinism. Science in the modern world is more and more tending towards developing sophisticated technology. Much of the scientific knowledge that is required in the modern industrial society has been used to create an extremely sophisticated technology.
It is indisputable that technological innovations have immense social significance. Our way of life and social behaviour are influenced by technologies available to us; from kitchen gadgets to automobiles. The influence of technology on society seems so powerful that some sociologists have adopted a position of technological determinism. They are of the view that the technology available to the society is an important determinant of its nature and character. “Technological determinism is an assumption that technology is both autonomous and has determinate effects on society. Technology is seen as political and as independent variable in social change.” There is a strong element of technological determinism in the work of Karl Marx also. He drew attention to the technologies of economic production that affects the social order. In fact, Marx’s famous phrase – “the hand mill gives you society with feudal lord: the steam mill, society with the industrial capitalism.” – is sometimes used (mistakenly) as an example of technological determinism. Marx, however, saw technology as intimately related to the social relations of production.
Technological determinism is associated with neo-evolutionary theories which give technology primacy in the analysis of social change. Several American social scientists such as Thornstein Veblen (1922) and William Ogburn (1950), have also stated that the specific historical developments and culture traits are the direct result of particular technologies. Ogburn made technology a powerful factor of social change. He even tried to explain specific social or historical events in terms of suggesting that the self starter in the motor-car had something to do with the emancipation of women in the American and Western Europe.
Similarly, he gave us illustrations of the labour saving devices in the kitchen and the use of new fuels like gas and electricity which reduce the toil of the woman in the kitchen. Ogburn in his attempts to trace connections between historical events and technological developments stated that the invention of cotton gin in 1793 promoted the institution of slavery in America.
The cotton gin greatly increased the productive capacity and thus the profitability of the textile industry. As a result, many more slaves were needed to work on the new cotton plantations that had emerged.
Ogburn divided human culture into material and non material elements. He stated that normally changes occur in the material culture first. People accept new tools and implements much more readily than they accept new ideas, values, norms, or institutions.
These technological innovations invariably lead to changes in the non material culture. As a result, there is always a cultural lag as the non material elements attempt to “catch up” with changes in the material elements. Ogburn argued that this culture lag is a continuing source of social disorganisation and social problems. Ogburn’s argument has its own limitations. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to isolate the technological factor from the others as the main cause of social change. Technological change, such as the introduction of cotton gin, always occurs in the context of other changes. Technology cannot operate independently.
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