Explain the central bodies of educational administration that play important role in administration.

Explain the central bodies of educational administration that play important role in administration.

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An education system with government as the major investor and social partners as co-investors. In current stage, local government is playing a key role in compulsory education, while central and provincial government are dominant in higher education. In occupational and adult education, social partners including industrial organizations, businesses and public institutions are playing a more and more important role. Ministry of Education of PRC is the supreme education administration body in China, which is responsible for carrying out related laws, regulations, guidelines and policies of the central government; planning development of education sector; integrating and coordinating educational initiatives and programs nationwide; maneuvering and guiding education reform countrywide.

Since 1978, Chinese government has promulgated such codes as Degree Statute of the People’s Republic of China, Law of Compulsory Education of the People’s Republic of China, Law of Teachers of the People’s Republic of China, Law of Protection over Juveniles of the People’s Republic of China, Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Statute for Teacher’s Eligibility and Law of Higher education of the People’s Republic of China, and released more than ten sets of education administration regulations. The Ministry of Education, within its jurisdiction, has issued more than 200 sets of administrative rules and regulations, significantly facilitating development of education of different natures.

With regard to education budget, financial allocation is still the major source, while multiple fund channels have been opened up. At present, fund needed by schools directly controlled by the central government comes from the central financial pool; schools controlled by local governments are supported by local finance; schools sponsored by township and villageship governments and by public institutions are mainly financed by the sponsor institutions and subsidized by local governments; funds needed by schools operated by social partners and celebrities are raised by the sponsors themselves (including collecting tuition from students and soliciting contributions). In addition to these sources, the central government is advocating work-study programs, aiming at improving the education conditions through premium services.

Education administrators are employed in universities and colleges, schools, preschools, and daycare
centres. They manage routine activities and provide instructional leadership at these institutions. They may also be employed at businesses, museums, correctional facilities, and community service
organizations to direct their educational programs.

What does an Education Administrator do?

School administrators work in every level of education. They may direct programming, hire and supervise staff, manage budgets, and make decisions that affect the academic community. They are also in charge of developing a direction and mission for the facility at which they work.

The actual specific job functions for an education administrator will vary depending on the institution of employment. For schools, this job is usually the role of the principal or assistant principal. For private schools and businesses, the job may be as a director of programs or head master. Libraries and
museums often employ administrators as instruction coordinators. For colleges and universities, education administrators are employed at all levels of the management structure ? as admissions officers, department heads, and as deans and provosts.

Making policies and procedures and setting educational aims and standards is the responsibility of an
education administrator. They act as a supervisor for managers and support other faculty, such as librarians, coaches, teachers, and aids. In small organizations, such as a daycare, there may be only one administrator in charge of all these duties. At larger institutions, such as universities or large school systems, several administrators share the workload, each having a specific responsibility. Education administrator’s responsibilities include:

  • handling relations with parents, students, employers, and the community
  • managing budgets and ensuring financial systems are followed
  • overseeing record-keeping
  • managing student services such as guidance programs
  • training, supervising, and motivating faculty including teachers and auxiliary staff
  • working on committees including academic boards, governing bodies and task groups
  • assisting with recruitment, public or alumni relations and marketing activities
  • providing administrative support to an academic team of lecturers, tutors or teachers
  • drafting and interpreting regulations and dealing with queries and complaints procedures
  • maintaining high levels of quality assurance, including course evaluation and course approval procedures
  • contributing to policy and planning
  • purchasing goods and equipment, as required, and processing invoices
  • liaising with partner institutions, other institutions, external agencies, government departments  and
  • prospective students
  • organizing and facilitating a variety of educational or social activities

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