Education Topics 1
8629 Laboratory Organization Management and Safety Methods
- What do you know about laboratory design? What are requirements for designing a science laboratory?
- Write importance of the following in science laboratory: Labeling, Compatibility, proper checking of stock and maintenance of the materials.
- To find the diameter of a wire with the help of screw gauge
- What are different aspects for laboratory inspection? Why chemistry laboratory inspection is more crucial than physics laboratory?
- Write techniques of handling chemicals. Write techniques for pouring and transferring liquids.
- Elaborate the standards of Science Laboratories in Pakistan. Discuss the competencies of Science Teachers in context to Pakistan.
- Write new concepts of Science Laboratories, keeping in view the concept of distance education. & Are you able to perform science experiments with the help of easily available material?
- Write difference between sequence and organization. What is the role of organization in laboratory work?
- What are different assessment techniques to assess laboratory performance?
- Identify some hazards, while working in science laboratories. Give methods of first aid to deal with hazards in science laboratories.
8628 Assessment in Science Education
- Write down the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of assessment. Explain in detail the limitations of assessment.
- Describe in detail three domains of educational objectives.
- How can table of specifications be developed for assessment? How is it helpful for assessment?
- Develop one table of specification of any unit from science curriculum.
- How can assessment of knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics be done? Explain your answer with examples.
- Develop items for the assessment of knowledge of universal and abstraction in a field.
- How can a science assess application objectives?
- Develop five test items from general science to test application skills.
- How does evaluation be done in terms of judgment in terms of external criteria?
- What are evaluation techniques for evaluation objectives? Describe in detail.
- Develop test for assessing different levels off evaluation skills.
- Describe in detail the nature of practical skills and abilities.
- What is diagnosis assessment? How does diagnosis assessment improve student’s science learning?
- Devise strategies for the assessment of student’s performance.
8626 Teacher Education in Pakistan
- Compare the aims and objectives of teacher education as given by Aggerwal and given in the National Education Policy 2009.
- Highlight the responsibilities of a teacher provide reference from Islamic Sources?
- Highlight the teaching methods and techniques recommended by Muslim scholars. Discuss the usability of these methods in the current teaching learning environment?
- Highlight the impact of recent changes in the teacher education system of Pakistan on teacher’s competencies.
- Discuss the problems of teacher educators also give suggestion to overcome these problems
- Describe the nature, scope and the significance of in-service training teacher education.
- Enlist the incentives that may motivate the teachers for in-service training.
- Elaborate the structure of teaching education in Pakistan. Also critically analyze the affects of 18th amendment on teacher education program?
- Explain the purposes and significance of teaching practice in teacher education curriculum.
- How teaching practice is different from internship? Develop guideline to optimize the benefits of teaching practice.
- Elaborate the problems in integration of computer assisted instruction in teachers training. Develop a plan for the integration of computers in teachers training.
- Describe the concept of Micro-teaching. How it helps to improve the competences of teachers, provide example.
- Highlight the difference in the teacher education curriculum of United Kingdom and Pakistan.
- Discuss the importance of establishment of partnership between the teachers training institutions of Pakistan.
8627 Foundation of Science Education
- Discuss Pre-Operational stage in Piaget’s theory of intellectual development.
- Discuss the role of “Intellectualism” in teaching of science.
- Critically evaluate the application of science in improving the quality of life in Pakistani context.
- “Teaching of Science can help to improve the environment in Pakistan.” Discuss.
- Discuss the problems in science teaching with special reference to Pakistan.
- Discuss in detail the contributions of Muslims in the field of Science.
- “There is a scientific reason in every natural phenomenon”. Give examples from the Real life.
- Differentiate Inductive and Deductive method of science.
- What is Realists’ view of knowledge about science?
- Salient features of philosophy of Idealism
- Reasons of Uplift of Science in the history of Muslim World.
8620 Computers in Education
- How computer is a powerful tool. Describe the categories of computer and their uses?
- Survey five such instructions of your locality which have computer. Compare the printing devices they on the criteria of type, speed, print quality and cost.
- Define application software. How system software interacts with application software?
- DeGlilo (1987) has suggested four different arrangment of layout of a computer centre. Explain with examples.
- Discuss functions of graphic software and its different types of packages.
8621 Broadcast Media
- Explain the nature and essential characteristics of broadcast media with reference to distance and non-formal education.
- Elaborate the planning process of broadcast media.
- Discuss the role of educational TV with reference to Pakistan?
- Write a detailed note on the British broadcasting co-operation (BBC).
- Discuss the school broadcast media of Japan.
8619 Educational Technology
- If you have to teach at primary level, how you will incorporate the basis of educational technology into your teaching? Discuss.
- Discuss Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
- Discuss theories of learning? How can learning theories play an important role in learning?
- Discuss the hierarchy of objectives? Also differentiate between general and specific objectives? Give examples in support of your answer.
- Define motivation. Also discuss the methods of motivation which make the teaching learning process more effective and efficient.
8625 Higher Education
- Elaborate the role of higher education in socio economic development .also discuss the major function a university play in society.
- Explains the status of higher education in Pakistan and critically discusses planning of higher education in Pakistan.
- Critically discusses the role of different organization for development of higher education in Pakistan.
- Describe the provision of higher education in national policy 2009.
- Elaborate the need and scope of research in higher education what steps can be taken to promote research culture in Pakistan.
- Describe the system of higher education in Germany ,compare this system with higher education system of Pakistan.
- Explain the concept and nature of financing in education. how stage in higher education can be minimized.
- Discuss the scope and significance of assessment in higher education. Identify different kinds of assessment techniques used by the university teacher.
- Highlight the future trends in higher education and role of technology in distance mode of learning.
- Quality and Access in higher education.
- Life long Learning
8624 Secondary Education
- Define secondary education. Draw organizational structure of secondary education?
- Enlist types of schools in Pakistan at secondary level. Is there any need of training of secondary school teachers? Discuss?
- Define role of Ministry of Education during pre-eighteen amendment and post eighteen amendment?
- Write in detail on role of Federal Government Institutions?
- BISE stands for ? What are the functions of BISE? Discuss administration of examination under BISE and are they fulfilling their responsibility as required?
- Write a detail history, status and functions of Federal directorate of Education. Discuss Beaconhouse School system and the City School considering their differences?
- Define curriculum according to different educationists. Differentiate among curriculum, syllabus, course contents and scheme of studies?
- What are the criteria for the selection of text books?
- Define evaluation. Differentiate between internal and external examination. Critically analyze the process of evaluation in Pakistan.
- What is the need of comparative education. Compare secondary education system of UK, USA and Pakistan. Give suggestion to improve secondary education system in Pakistan in light of this comparison.
- Compare Sixth, Seventh and eight five years plans regarding targets and achievements in secondary education?
- What is the status of teacher education in Pakistan? What do you understand by BS Education Model, B.Ed 14+1 Model and B.Ed12+3 Model?
- Discuss the need and scope of in-service teacher education. Is there need to give in-service training of computer education to teachers to improve their methods of teaching?
8623 Elementary Education
- Elucidate the role of public and private sector in elementary education. Discuss the initiatives of government of Pakistan in this context
- Describe in the light of Piaget’s theory the cognitive and intellectual development of a child at different levels
- Personality development occurs early in life but later years provide an opportunity for the modification of previously developed trends. Discuss
- Explain the inter-relationship of language skills. How does the classroom environment affect them
- Differentiate between role-play and simulation. Discuss the use of each for making teaching learning process effective at elementary level
- Define instructional technology and compare different kinds of projected and non-projected aids
- Discuss different types of behavior problems usually seen in children at elementary level. How can be the teachers prepared to tackle these problems?
- What should be the characteristics of a well- managed classroom. Also identify principles related to sound management?
- Discuss teacher made achievement tests? Construct six items of each, short answers, completion, true false, matching, multiple choice and essay type from the English of class VII (Public Sector)?
- Describe the role of teacher training in deterioration of the education system. Suggest measures for improvement?
Non-Broadcast Media in Distance Education
- Explain the steps for choice of media and also identify the factors affecting the media.
- Discuss the utility of chalkboard/blackboard, bulletin board and flannel board in the teaching learning process.
- Discuss the importance of slides and films strips projects in education?
- Discuss the characteristics of optional and essential media and also specify the process of media utilization.
- Discuss nature and role of non-broadcast media in distance education?
- Discuss the reprographic equipment normally used in the teaching learning process
- Discuss the Educational importance of programmed learning and give example in support of your answer
- What sort of material is required for the preparation of teaching aids? Do you think that the locally available material can equally be useful in preparation of A.V Aids
- Critically examine the three aspects of any non-broadcast programme which must be consider while establishing a budget.
- Critically examine the role of teacher in using the equipment resource centre for teaching learning process?
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