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Discuss teacher made achievement tests? Construct six items of each, short answers, completion, true false, matching, multiple choice and essay type from the English of class VII (Public Sector)?

Discuss teacher made achievement tests? Construct six items of each, short answers, completion, true false, matching, multiple choice and essay type from the English of class VII (Public Sector)? 

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Carefully constructed teacher-made tests and standardised tests are similar in many ways. Both are constructed on the basis of carefully planned table of specifications, both have the same type of test items, and both provide clear directions to the students. Still the two differ. They differ in the quality of test items, the reliability of test measures, the procedures for administering and scoring and the interpretation of scores. No doubt, standardised tests are good and better in quality, more reliable and valid. But a classroom teacher cannot always depend on standardised tests. These may not suit to his local needs, may not be readily available, may be costly, may have different objectives. In order to fulfill the immediate requirements, the teacher has to prepare his own tests which are usually objective type in nature. Teacher-made tests are normally prepared and administered for testing classroom achievement of students, evaluating the method of teaching adopted by the teacher and other curricular programmes of the school. Teacher-made test is one of the most valuable instrument in the hands of the teacher to solve his purpose. It is designed to solve the problem or requirements of the class for which it is prepared. It is prepared to measure the outcomes and content of local curriculum. It is very much flexible so that, it can be adopted to any procedure and material. It does not require any sophisticated technique for preparation. Taylor has highly recommended for the use of these teacher-made objective type tests, which do not require all the four steps of standardised tests nor need the rigorous processes of standardisation. Only the first two steps planning and preparation are sufficient for their construction. Features of Teacher-Made Tests: 1. The items of the tests are arranged in order of difficulty. 2. These are prepared by the teachers which can be used for prognosis and diagnosis purposes.

3. The test covers the whole content area and includes a large number of items. 4. The preparation of the items conforms to the blueprint. 5. Test construction is not a single man’s business, rather it is a co-operative endeavour. 6. A teacher-made test does not cover all the steps of a standardised test. 7. Teacher-made tests may also be employed as a tool for formative evaluation. 8. Preparation and administration of these tests are economical. 9. The test is developed by the teacher to ascertain the student’s achievement and proficiency in a given subject. 10. Teacher-made tests are least used for research purposes. 11. They do not have norms whereas providing norms is quite essential for standardised tests. Steps/Principles of Construction of Teacher-made Test: A teacher-made test does not require a well-planned preparation. Even then, to make it more efficient and effective tool of evaluation, careful considerations arc needed to be given while constructing such tests. The following steps may be followed for the preparation of teacher-made test: 1. Planning: Planning of a teacher-made test includes: a. Determining the purpose and objectives of the test, ‘as what to measure and why to measure’. b. Deciding the length of the test and portion of the syllabus to be covered. c. Specifying the objectives in behavioural terms. If needed, a table can even be prepared for specifications and weightage given to the objectives to be measured. d. Deciding the number and forms of items (questions) according to blueprint.
e. Having a clear knowledge and understanding of the principles of constructing essay type, short answer type and objective type questions. 
f. Deciding date of testing much in advance in order to give time to teachers for test preparation and administration. g. Seeking the co-operation and suggestion of co-teachers, experienced teachers of other schools and test experts. 2. Preparation of the Test: Planning is the philosophical aspect and preparation is the practical aspect of test construction. All the practical aspects to be taken into consideration while one constructs the tests. It is an art, a technique. One is to have it or to acquire it. It requires much thinking, rethinking and reading before constructing test items. Different types of objective test items viz., multiple choice, short-answer type and matching type can be constructed. After construction, test items should be given lo others for review and for seeking their opinions on it. The suggestions may be sought even from others on languages, modalities of the items, statements given, correct answers supplied and on other possible errors anticipated. The suggestions and views thus sought will help a test constructor in modifying and verifying his items afresh to make it more acceptable and usable. After construction of the test, items should be arranged in a simple to complex order. For arranging the items, a teacher can adopt so many methods viz., group-wise, unit-wise, topic wise etc. Scoring key should also be prepared forthwith to avoid further delay in scoring. Direction is an important part of a test construction. Without giving a proper direction or instruction, there will be a probability of loosing the authenticity of the test reliability. It may create a misunderstanding in the students also. 

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